given that a/b=c/d, decide whether it is true or not that a/c=b/d.

Why do you call this geometry?

Multiply both sides of the first equation by b/d and you get the second equation.

Both equations require that
ad = bc.

Therefore the statement is true, as long as neither b nor d are zero

To determine whether the statement "a/c = b/d" is true or not, we can start by applying the given equation "a/b = c/d."

First, we can cross multiply both sides of the equation:

a * d = b * c

Next, we can rearrange the equation to isolate either a or c:

a = (b * c) / d

Now, we substitute the expression for a into the statement we want to determine:

((b * c) / d) / c = b / d

Simplifying further, we get:

b * c / (d * c) = b / d

Since the c's cancel out on both sides of the equation, we are left with:

b / d = b / d

Therefore, we can conclude that the statement "a/c = b/d" is indeed true.