can someone explain the synthesis reaction from ethane to acetylene?

Certainly! The synthesis reaction you're referring to is known as the ethane to acetylene conversion. It involves the transformation of ethane (C2H6) into acetylene (C2H2), a hydrocarbon compound with a triple bond between two carbon atoms.

To explain the process in more detail, we need to break it down into two main steps: cracking and hydrogenation. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how the synthesis reaction from ethane to acetylene occurs:

Step 1: Cracking of Ethane
1. Ethane (C2H6) is obtained from natural gas or petroleum sources.
2. The first step is to break down ethane molecules. This is achieved through a process called cracking.
3. Cracking involves heating ethane to high temperatures (above 800°C) in the presence of a catalyst (usually alumina or silica-based materials).
4. The high temperature and catalyst break the carbon-carbon bonds within ethane, leading to the production of smaller hydrocarbon molecules, including acetylene (C2H2).

Step 2: Hydrogenation of Acetylene
1. Once acetylene is formed from the cracking of ethane, it can be further processed to produce purer acetylene.
2. This is accomplished through the process of hydrogenation, which involves the addition of hydrogen gas (H2) to acetylene.
3. Hydrogenation is commonly carried out using a metal catalyst (such as palladium or platinum) at moderate temperatures and pressures.
4. The reaction between acetylene and hydrogen results in the removal of the triple bond, forming ethane again.
5. By adjusting the reaction conditions, such as temperature and catalyst, it is possible to selectively convert ethane to acetylene while minimizing the reverse reaction.

Overall, the synthesis reaction from ethane to acetylene involves the initial cracking of ethane to produce acetylene followed by the hydrogenation of acetylene to obtain a purer form of acetylene. This transformation is a vital process in the production of acetylene, which is used in various industrial applications, including welding and as a precursor in chemical synthesis.

Certainly! The synthesis reaction from ethane to acetylene involves a process called thermal cracking. Here are the step-by-step explanations:

Step 1: Activation
In this first step, ethane (C2H6) is heated to a high temperature (around 800-900°C) in the presence of a catalyst, usually alumina (Al2O3). This high temperature breaks the weak carbon-carbon bonds in ethane, starting the activation process.

Step 2: Homolytic bond cleavage
The high temperature and catalyst cause the homolytic cleavage of carbon-carbon bonds in ethane. This means that each carbon atom in ethane receives one of the bonded electrons, resulting in the formation of two free ethyl radicals (C2H5•).

C2H6 → 2C2H5•

Step 3: Chain propagation
In this step, each ethyl radical (C2H5•) reacts with an ethane molecule (C2H6) to form a new free radical and ethylene (C2H4). This is called a chain propagation step because it generates new free radicals to continue the reaction.

C2H5• + C2H6 → C2H5CH3 + •CH3

Step 4: Further homolytic bond cleavage
The newly formed methyl radical (•CH3) undergoes a similar homolytic cleavage, breaking another carbon-carbon bond in ethane. This results in the formation of two more ethyl radicals, continuing the chain propagation.

•CH3 + C2H6 → C2H5• + CH4

Step 5: Chain termination
At some point, the free radicals will react with each other, leading to chain termination. This occurs when two ethyl radicals combine to form ethane again, effectively stopping the reaction.

2C2H5• → C2H6

Overall reaction:
C2H6 → 2C2H5•
2C2H5• → C2H5CH3 + •CH3
•CH3 + C2H6 → C2H5• + CH4
2C2H5• → C2H6

The net result of these steps is the conversion of ethane (C2H6) into acetylene (C2H2) or ethyne, which is an important reaction used in the petrochemical industry.