what a business man need to know about nigeria concepts of personal space and rules of social behaviour in order to conduct business successfully in that country


To whom it may concern

I have seen on your website that you have listed useful resources for students. May I recommend that you add cultural information to that list?
I have compiled some on my website that you can link to.

To conduct business successfully in Nigeria, it is essential for a businessperson to understand the concepts of personal space and the rules of social behavior. Here's what you need to know:

1. Personal Space:
- In Nigeria, personal space is generally closer compared to Western cultures. Handshakes, hugs, and close physical contact during conversations are common.
- Maintain eye contact during conversations as it is a sign of respect and attentiveness.
- Be aware that personal space may vary between individuals, so it is important to observe and adapt to the comfort level of the person you are engaging with.
- Respect cultural norms and personal boundaries when it comes to physical contact.

2. Social Behavior:
- Greetings and Introductions: Nigerian culture places importance on greetings and introductions. It is customary to greet people with a warm handshake and exchange pleasantries.
- Respect Hierarchy: Nigeria has a hierarchical society where age and status are respected. It is essential to show deference to elders or those in positions of authority.
- Politeness and Respect: Demonstrating politeness, patience, and respect goes a long way in Nigerian business culture.
- Communication Style: Nigerians often value indirect communication, using context, body language, and non-verbal cues to convey messages. Pay attention to these cues to better understand the intended message.
- Networking and Building Relationships: Building strong personal relationships is crucial to successful business dealings in Nigeria. Spend time nurturing relationships and participating in social activities outside of work. It helps to establish trust and rapport.

To gain a deeper understanding, consider the following steps:
1. Research: Study the cultural norms and basic etiquette of Nigeria.
2. Cultural Exchange: Engage in conversations with Nigerians who can provide insights into their culture and social behavior.
3. Observe and Adapt: Observe interactions in business and social settings, and adapt to local customs and practices.
4. Seek Local Guidance: Collaborate with local consultants or employ a cultural liaison who can help navigate the Nigerian business environment effectively.
5. Be Open-Minded: Be open to learning, understanding, and appreciating the differences in social behavior and cultural practices.

By understanding the concepts of personal space and the rules of social behavior, you will be better equipped to conduct business successfully in Nigeria.