For which value of k does the matrix

8 k
-9 -3

have one real engenvalue of multiplicity 2? Explain.

The solution to the problem is based on two key questions:

1. How to find eigenvalues of a given matrix?
2. What are the conditions for a quadratic equation to have real roots of multiplicity two?

We will answer the questions one by one.

1. For a given (square) matrix A, the eigenvalues are the solution to the characteristic equation formed by equating the determinant of A' to zero, namely:
|A'| = 0
where A' is obtained by subtracting the variable λ from each of the diagonal elements.

In the given example,

8 k
-9 -3

so A'=
8-λ k
-9 -3-λ

and |A'|=0 =>
λ² -5λ -24+9k = 0 ...(1)

The solutions (λ) to the above quadratic equation are the eigenvalues.

2. When does a quadratic equation have real roots of multiplicity two?
Using the quadratic formula:
we see that when the discriminant is zero, i.e. b²-4ac=0, x has a real root of multiplicity two, i.e. two coincident roots.

Applying this to the equation (1) above, we get:
Solve for k.
I get 121/36, and λ=5/2 (multiplicity 2)

The quadratic formula should read:


To find the value of k for which the matrix has one real eigenvalue of multiplicity 2, we need to determine the eigenvalues of the matrix.

An eigenvalue is a scalar λ for which the following equation holds true:

A * v = λ * v

Where A is the matrix, v is the eigenvector, and λ is the eigenvalue.

Let's find the eigenvalues:

1. Start by setting up the equation:

(A - λ * I) * v = 0

Where I is the identity matrix.

2. Substitute the given matrix and solve for the determinant:

| 8 - λ k |
| -9 -3 - λ | = 0

(8 - λ)(-3 - λ) - (-9)(k) = 0

3. Expand and simplify:

(-24 + 3λ + 8λ - λ^2) + 9k = 0

-λ^2 + 11λ + 9k - 24 = 0

4. To have one real eigenvalue of multiplicity 2, the discriminant (b^2 - 4ac) of this quadratic equation should be equal to zero. Since we're looking for a real eigenvalue, the discriminant should not be negative.

5. Set up the discriminant equation:

b^2 - 4ac = 0

a = -1
b = 11
c = 9k - 24

(11)^2 - 4(-1)(9k - 24) = 0

121 + 36 - 36k + 96 = 0

157 - 36k = 0

6. Solve for k:

36k = 157
k = 157/36

Therefore, the value of k for which the matrix has one real eigenvalue of multiplicity 2 is k = 157/36.

To find the value of k that gives the matrix a real eigenvalue of multiplicity 2, we need to determine the conditions under which the matrix's characteristic polynomial has a repeated root.

The characteristic polynomial of a 2x2 matrix is given by:
P(λ) = (λ - a)(λ - d) - bc,
where a, b, c, and d are the elements of the matrix in the following order:
a b
c d

In this case, the matrix is:

8 k
-9 -3

So we have:
a = 8, b = k, c = -9, d = -3.

Substituting these values into the characteristic polynomial equation, we get:
P(λ) = (λ - 8)(λ - (-3)) - (k)(-9).
P(λ) = (λ - 8)(λ + 3) + 9k.

To have a repeated root, the discriminant of the characteristic polynomial should be zero:
Discriminant = b^2 - 4ac = 0.

In our case, a = 1, b = -5, and c = 9k + 24. Substituting these values into the discriminant equation, we get:
(-5)^2 - 4(1)(9k + 24) = 0.
25 - 36k - 96 = 0.
-36k - 71 = 0.
-36k = 71.
k = 71/-36.
k = -71/36.

Therefore, the value of k that gives the matrix a real eigenvalue of multiplicity 2 is k = -71/36.