which of the following statements concerning air resitance is false?

a. skydiverscan influence their speed by changing thier body positioning
b. objects that fall together in a vaccum may fall at differnt speeds in air.
c. it is easier for a pitcher to throw a good curve ball on the moon.
d. a real projectile path is not symmetrical about the apex

To determine which statement concerning air resistance is false, let's analyze each option:

a. Skydivers can influence their speed by changing their body positioning.
This statement is true. Skydivers can control their speed by altering their body position, such as spreading their limbs to increase drag or folding them to decrease drag.

b. Objects that fall together in a vacuum may fall at different speeds in air.
This statement is true. In a vacuum, where there is no air resistance, objects of different masses or shapes would fall at the same rate. However, in the presence of air, different shapes or masses experience different amounts of air resistance, leading to different falling speeds.

c. It is easier for a pitcher to throw a good curveball on the moon.
This statement is true. Since the moon has no atmosphere, there is no air resistance to affect the curveball's trajectory. Without air resistance, the curveball could follow an idealized path without deviations caused by air drag.

d. A projectile's real path is not symmetrical about the apex.
This statement is false. The real path of a projectile, under normal conditions, is symmetrical about the apex. When a projectile is launched at an angle, it follows a parabolic path, reaching its highest point at the apex. The trajectory upward and downward are symmetrical, assuming no external factors like air resistance or wind.

In conclusion, the false statement regarding air resistance is option c.