crossword puzzle 6 letters words given square;perpendicular;:triangle;________

To solve this crossword puzzle clue, we are looking for a 6-letter word that is related to the words "square," "perpendicular," and "triangle."

One way to find the answer is by using a crossword puzzle solver or an online anagram solver. These tools allow you to input the letters you have and generate potential word combinations that fit the given criteria.

Another approach is to use your knowledge of geometry. In this case, we are given three geometric terms: "square," "perpendicular," and "triangle." Let's analyze the relationships between these terms:

- A square is a four-sided polygon with all sides equal in length and all angles equal to 90 degrees.
- Perpendicular refers to two lines or segments that intersect at a 90-degree angle.
- A triangle is a three-sided polygon.

From this analysis, we can observe that all the terms involve geometric figures or relationships that have 90-degree angles.

Based on this, the 6-letter word that fits the given criteria is "RIGHTS." The word "RIGHTS" can refer to the concept of right angles, which are perpendicular angles measuring 90 degrees. Thus, it is a suitable answer for the crossword puzzle clue.