A good technique to prevent children from talking to you while you're observing them is to what?

1. Avoid eye contact
2. Sit far away
3. Stand to one side

Which one is correct??

( i think its one of the first two im not sure)


To determine the correct technique for preventing children from talking to you while you're observing them, consider the situation and think about which option would likely be effective.

One technique that can help prevent children from talking to you while you're observing them is to avoid eye contact. By not making eye contact, you give the impression that you are busy with something else and not available for conversation. This can discourage children from seeking your attention.

Another effective technique is to sit far away from the children. By creating physical distance, you indicate that you are not directly involved in their activities, which can minimize their inclination to approach and talk to you.

Therefore, both options 1 (avoid eye contact) and 2 (sit far away) are valid techniques to prevent children from talking to you while you're observing them. Option 3 (stand to one side) does not specifically address preventing children from talking to you, so it may not be as effective in this situation.