14, -9 write a quadratic equation with these solutions. With 1 being there greatest common factor


Where is x1 and x2 roots of equation

In your case a=1 so:







To write a quadratic equation with given solutions, we can use the fact that the solutions of a quadratic equation can be found by factoring it. Given the solutions 14 and -9, we know that the factored form of the quadratic equation would be:

(x - 14)(x + 9) = 0

Now, we need to find the quadratic equation using this factored form. To do this, we can expand the equation:

(x - 14)(x + 9) = 0
x^2 + 9x - 14x - 126 = 0
x^2 - 5x - 126 = 0

So, the quadratic equation with the given solutions 14 and -9, and their greatest common factor being 1, is:

x^2 - 5x - 126 = 0