the equation y=1777x+27,153 can be used to predict the number Y of gun deaths in the US X years after 2000, that is x=0 corresponds to 2000, x=3 corresponds to 2003, x=4 corresponds to 2004, and so on. Predict the number of gun deaths in 2004 and 2009, In what year will the number of gun deaths be 7606?

This same question has appeared many times, see "related questions" below.

The latest answer:

To predict the number of gun deaths in a specific year using the given equation, y = 1777x + 27,153, where x is the number of years after 2000, we need to substitute x with the corresponding value for each year.

1. To predict the number of gun deaths in 2004 (x = 4):
y = 1777(4) + 27,153
y = 7108 + 27,153
y ≈ 34,261

2. To predict the number of gun deaths in 2009 (x = 9):
y = 1777(9) + 27,153
y = 15,993 + 27,153
y ≈ 43,146

To find the year when the number of gun deaths will be 7606, we can rearrange the equation to solve for x:

7606 = 1777x + 27,153

Subtracting 27,153 from both sides, we get:

7606 - 27,153 = 1777x

-19,547 = 1777x

Dividing both sides by 1777, we get:

x ≈ -11

Since we are counting years after 2000, a negative value for x doesn't make sense. Therefore, there is no solution for when the number of gun deaths will be exactly 7606 based on the given equation.