A typical steel B-string in a guitar resonates at its fundamental frequency at 240 Hertz. The length of the string is 0.620 m. What is the wave velocity along the string? Find your answer in m/s, but do not enter units.

IS THE ANSWER 148.8m/s?
(Frequency)(Wavelength)= Velocity along the string?

To find the wave velocity along the string, you can use the formula:

Velocity = Frequency × Wavelength

Here, the frequency is given as 240 Hz. To find the wavelength, we can use the formula for the fundamental frequency of a string:

Wavelength = 2 × Length

Given that the length of the string is 0.620 m, we can substitute these values into the equation:

Wavelength = 2 × 0.620 = 1.240 m

Now we can calculate the wave velocity:

Velocity = Frequency × Wavelength
= 240 × 1.240
= 298.56 m/s

So the correct answer is 298.56 m/s, not 148.8 m/s.