(1) what measurements and what calculation would you need to make in order to determine the density of a rectangular wooden block?

(2) a student announced that she had made a sample of a new material that had a density of 0.85g/cm3. from the inforation given, are you able to determine how large of a smple had made? explain!

1) mass and volume

2) No. The density would be the same for that material no matter what the sample size is

To determine the density of a rectangular wooden block, you would need to measure its mass and volume. Here's how you can do it:

1. Measure the Mass: Use a scale or balance to measure the mass of the wooden block. Take note of the measurement in grams (g).

2. Measure the Volume: Since the block is rectangular, you can calculate its volume by multiplying its length (L), width (W), and height (H). The formula for volume is V = L x W x H. Make sure that all measurements are in the same unit, such as centimeters (cm). The result will be in cubic centimeters (cm3).

3. Calculate the Density: Divide the mass of the wooden block by its volume. The formula for density is Density = Mass รท Volume. The density will be in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3).

Now, let's move on to the second question. The student announced that she made a sample of a new material with a density of 0.85g/cm3. From this information, we can't determine the size or volume of the sample directly. Density alone does not provide information about the size, shape, or mass of the material.

In order to determine the size of the sample, you would need additional information, such as the mass or volume of the material. Without these additional measurements, it is not possible to calculate the size of the sample based solely on its density.