write a situation that could be modeled by the equation b=100-s.

Well, imagine you and your friend are planning a surprise party. Your task is to keep the number of balloons, represented by 'b', a secret from your friend. However, your friend is quite curious and keeps trying to figure out the number of balloons you have. The number of balloons your friend guesses is represented by 's'. So, to model this situation using the equation b=100-s, 'b' represents the actual number of balloons you have, and 's' represents your friend's attempts to guess the number of balloons.

One possible situation that could be modeled by the equation b = 100 - s is the distribution of a limited resource among a group of people.

Let's say "b" represents the amount of the resource each person receives, and "s" represents the number of people in the group who have already received their share. In this situation, the resource is being distributed equally among the group members.

The equation b = 100 - s can be interpreted as follows: the total amount of the resource (100) is reduced by the number of people who have already received their share (s), resulting in the amount of the resource that each remaining person will receive (b).

For example, if there are initially 10 people in the group, the equation b = 100 - s would suggest that each person would receive 10 units of the resource. However, as each person receives their share (s increases), the amount of the resource available for each remaining person would decrease. So, when 5 people have already received their share (s = 5), the remaining 5 people would receive 95 units of the resource each (b = 100 - 5 = 95).

Sure! Let's consider a situation where "b" represents the number of books left on a shelf, and "s" represents the number of books that have been sold.

The equation b = 100 - s can be used to model this situation. In this equation, "100" represents the initial total number of books on the shelf, and "s" is the number of books that have been sold. By subtracting "s" from 100, we can find the number of books that are still available on the shelf ("b").

For example, if 25 books have been sold, we can use the equation to find the number of books remaining on the shelf as follows:

b = 100 - s
b = 100 - 25
b = 75

So, in this situation, if 25 books have been sold, there would be 75 books remaining on the shelf.

s could be the discount in percent, and b is the sale price in percent.

For example, a cell phone is on sale at 20% off $200. The sale price is (100-20)=80% of $200.