I have a question about how to answer this

If something is dulce, one would probably want to drink lemonade or a sour drink with it.

I know dulce is sweet in Spanish but I don't get the correlation-or is it if you eat something sweet, you want to offset it with something sour

I think I should say yes but I just want some input
Thank you

Wouldn't this be a question of "personal preference?" If someone has a "sweet tooth" they would no doubt avoid something sour. What WAS the exact question you were to answer? Are you referring to what a Spaniard would do?


The actual wording is "If something is dulce, one would probably want to drink lemonade or something sour" and I have to answer with a yes or no-That was the exact homework question-I thought it was odd so that's why I posted it

Sorry I sent it with my sister's name-she was asking something earlier

Sorry about the confusion

You're correct in thinking that there is generally a correlation between consuming something sweet and desiring to offset it with something sour. This is because our taste buds experience different sensations when we consume different flavors. Sweetness is detected by taste receptors in our tongues, while sourness is also detected by separate taste receptors. When we eat or drink something sweet, it can create a lingering sensation or taste in our mouths. Consuming something sour afterwards can help to balance out or neutralize that sweetness and provide a refreshing or cleansing effect.

In the specific example you mentioned, if something is described as dulce (sweet), it is likely that consuming something sour like lemonade can be a good complement. The contrast between the dulce and the sour flavors can create a pleasant overall taste experience. However, it's important to note that taste preferences can vary from person to person, and not everyone may feel the need to offset sweetness with sourness. It ultimately depends on personal taste and preference.

If you're ever unsure about flavor pairings or how to complement a specific taste, a good approach is to experiment and explore different combinations to see what you enjoy the most.