9/54 ito percent

Solve this the same way I showed you.

to convert this to percent, first convert to decimal form,, you can use calculator to divide it:

9/54 = 0.1667
in percent, you just multiply it by 100:
0.1667*100 = 16.67%

hope this helps~ :)





To convert a fraction to a percentage, you need to divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number) and then multiply by 100.

In this case, the fraction is 9/54. To convert it to a percentage:

Step 1: Divide the numerator by the denominator: 9 ÷ 54 = 0.1667 (rounded to four decimal places)

Step 2: Multiply the result by 100: 0.1667 × 100 = 16.67%

Therefore, 9/54 as a percentage is approximately 16.67%.