24. ¿Viste ______ sobre las ciudades de Venezuela el jueves pasado?

a. el documental
b. la clase
c. las clases
d. la telenovela

26. ¿Escuchó Ud. _____ sobre los coches nuevos? Mi padre ahora quiere comprar uno de esos coches.
a. la comedia
b. el anuncio
c. la televisión
d. el programa educativo

29. "¿A quién vieron Uds. en el cine?"
"____ a la familia Garcia."
a. Vemos
b. Vimos
c. Vamos
d. Yo vi
Not sure...

31. Esta tarde unos padres y niños van a hablar sobre la telivision en ______.
a. el programa de entrevistas
b. el documental
c. el programa deportivo
d. los dibujos animados


29. Whom did you all see?

We saw (Past Tense) = b

the rest are fine


24. To solve this question, you need to understand the verb "viste" which is the second person singular form of the verb "ver" (to see). The question is asking if you saw something about the cities of Venezuela the previous Thursday. The correct answer would be "a. el documental" because a documentary is likely to provide information about cities.

26. To solve this question, you need to understand the verb "escuchó" which is the third person singular form of the verb "escuchar" (to hear/listen). The question is asking if you heard something about new cars. The correct answer would be "b. el anuncio" because an advertisement is a common source of information about products like cars.

29. To solve this question, you need to understand the question being asked and determine the appropriate answer. The question is asking who the speaker saw at the movies. The correct answer would be "b. Vimos" because the verb should agree with the subject "Uds." (you all), and "vimos" is the first person plural form of the verb "ver" (to see).

31. To solve this question, you need to understand the context and options given. The question is asking where parents and children are going to talk about television this afternoon. The correct answer would be "a. el programa de entrevistas" because a talk show (programa de entrevistas) is a common format where people discuss different topics.

So, the correct answers are:
24. a. el documental
26. b. el anuncio
29. b. Vimos
31. a. el programa de entrevistas