whats 7 divided by 52.50 show me how to solve it


It's just long division, or use a calculator.

The website above shows you how to use your computer.

To solve the division problem 7 divided by 52.50, you will need to divide the numerator (which is 7) by the denominator (which is 52.50). Here's how you can solve it step by step:

1. Write down the division problem as a fraction: 7/52.50.
2. To make the division easier, we can convert the decimal (52.50) into a fraction. Since there are two decimal places, we can write it as 5250/100.
3. Now, we can rewrite the division problem as: 7/5250/100.
4. To divide fractions, we invert the second fraction and multiply: (7/5250) * (100/1).
5. Simplify the fractions by canceling any common factors between the numerator and denominator. In this case, we can divide both 7 and 5250 by 7, and 100 by 25.
This gives us (1/750) * (4/1).
6. Multiply the numerators (1 * 4) to get 4, and multiply the denominators (750 * 1) to get 750.
7. Our final answer is 4/750.
However, we can further simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2 in this case.
Dividing 4 by 2 gives us 2, and dividing 750 by 2 gives us 375.
8. So, the simplified answer is 2/375.

Therefore, 7 divided by 52.50 equals 2/375 or approximately 0.0053.