Lisa bought two equal pieces of fabric. She will cut squares for a quilt from the fabric. All together Lisa bought 5 yards 1 foot of fabric. What is the length of each piece of fabric?

5 yards, 1 foot = 16 feet.

To find the length of each piece of fabric, we need to divide the total length of fabric Lisa bought by the number of pieces she purchased.

First, let's convert the length into a single unit. Since there are 3 feet in a yard, we can convert 5 yards 1 foot into a decimal form of yards by adding the fractional part: 5 + (1/3) = 5.33 yards.

Since Lisa bought two equal pieces of fabric, we need to divide the total length by 2: 5.33 yards / 2 = 2.665 yards.

Therefore, each piece of fabric is approximately 2.665 yards long.