the soccer goaie has made 175 saves so far this season. The score record is 236 saves in a season with 6 games left to play which interquality could you use to solve to find the average saves the goalie must make in each of the remaining games to break the school record? is it

175t 6x is less than 236
175t 6x is greater than 236
236t 6x is greater than 175
236t 6x is less than 175

Questions, for example,

"175t 6x is less than 236"

Does the problem state what the "t" and "x" stand for ?

What is the sign between 175t and 6x (+, -, /, *) ?

the t means plus and x is just next to the 6 (6x)

x = average saves needed

175 + 6x > 236
6x > 61
x > 10.1667

so is it the answer B?

damon please help

To solve this problem, we need an inequality that represents the average number of saves the goalie must make in each of the remaining games to break the school record.

Let's say the average number of saves per game the goalie must make in the remaining 6 games is represented by "t".

Since the goalie has already made 175 saves so far this season, we need to add the number of saves they make in the remaining 6 games to reach or exceed the record of 236 saves.

To find the total number of saves the goalie makes in the remaining games, we multiply the average saves per game (t) by the number of remaining games (6).

Therefore, the inequality that represents this situation is:

(t x 6) ≥ (236 - 175)

Simplifying this inequality, we get:

6t ≥ 61

The correct inequality representing this situation is:

"6t is greater than or equal to 61".