what are some contemporary examples that utilize idealism?

Idealism is a philosophical perspective that asserts the primacy of ideas or consciousness in shaping reality. While it is more commonly associated with historical figures such as Immanuel Kant, George Berkeley, and Plato, aspects of idealism can be found in contemporary thought as well. Here are a few examples of contemporary ideas or movements that draw upon or align with idealistic principles:

1. Transcendentalism: Emerging in the 19th century, transcendentalism, associated with figures like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, emphasizes the inherent goodness of humans and nature, as well as the power of intuition and individual conscience in determining truth.

2. New Age and Mindfulness Movements: These contemporary movements emphasize the power of positive thinking, mindfulness, and spiritual practices to shape one's reality and well-being. They often draw upon idealistic notions of the mind as a creative force and the belief that consciousness can influence external circumstances.

3. Humanistic Psychology: Developed in the mid-20th century by figures like Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, humanistic psychology places a strong emphasis on subjective experience, personal growth, and self-actualization. It aligns with idealism by emphasizing the importance of consciousness and individual agency in shaping one's reality.

4. Postmodernism: While primarily associated with skepticism towards grand narratives and objective reality, certain strands of postmodernism can be seen as embracing an idealistic perspective. By pointing out the contingency and constructed nature of social and cultural norms, postmodernism challenges the idea of an objective reality and promotes the notion that reality is shaped by our collective perceptions and interpretations.

It is important to note that these examples do not represent strict adherence to classical idealism, but rather incorporate certain idealistic principles in their frameworks.