The midpoint of (AB) is M = (1,3). One endpoint is A =(8,-2). Find the coordinates of the other endpoint B.

1 = (x+8)/2

2 = x+8
x = -6

3 =(y-2)/2
6 = y-2
y = 8

so (-6,8)

MP = (1,3), A = (8,2), B = (x2,y2)

Midpoint x = 1/2(x1 + x2)
Midpoint y = 1/2(y1 + y2)

1 = 1/2(8 + x2)
2 = 8 + x2
x2 = -6

3 = 1/2(-2 + y2)
6 = -2 + y2
y2 = 8

B = (x2,y2) = (-6,8)

To find the coordinates of the other endpoint B, we can use the midpoint formula. The midpoint formula states that for a line segment with endpoints (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), the midpoint M is given by the coordinates ( (x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2).

We are given that the midpoint M is (1, 3), and one endpoint A is (8, -2). Let's substitute these values into the midpoint formula:

(1, 3) = ( (x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2)

Substituting (x1, y1) = (8, -2) gives us:

(1, 3) = ( (8 + x2)/2, (-2 + y2)/2)

Now, let's solve for x2 and y2. We can start by solving for x2:

2(1) = 8 + x2
2 = 8 + x2
2 - 8 = x2
-6 = x2

Therefore, the x-coordinate of point B is -6. Now, let's solve for y2:

2(3) = -2 + y2
6 = -2 + y2
6 + 2 = y2
8 = y2

Therefore, the y-coordinate of point B is 8. Therefore, the coordinates of point B are (-6, 8).