Can someone help me get the answer step by step, please, Would greatly aprreciated. Thank you. 2x-5>x+13

Sorry! that was -2x-5>x+13. Thank you


Subtract x from both sides of the equality.

x - 5 > 13

Add 5 to both sides.

x > 18


-3x = 18
x = 18/-3
x = -6

Of course, I'd be happy to help you step by step to find the answer to the inequality 2x - 5 > x + 13.

Step 1: Start by isolating the variable x on one side of the inequality. To do this, we need to get rid of the x term on the right side. We can do this by subtracting x from both sides:

2x - x - 5 > x - x + 13

Simplifying, we get:

x - 5 > 13

Step 2: Now, our inequality says x - 5 is greater than 13. To solve for x, we need to isolate x by getting rid of the -5 term. We can do this by adding 5 to both sides:

x - 5 + 5 > 13 + 5

Simplifying, we get:

x > 18

So, the solution to the inequality 2x - 5 > x + 13 is x > 18.