patty has 123 cds in her music collection. of her cds 27 are country music. estimate the precent of patty's cds that are country music cds

What is your estimate?

To estimate the percentage of Patty's CDs that are country music CDs, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the number of country music CDs:
Patty has 27 country music CDs.

Step 2: Calculate the percentage:
To find the percentage, divide the number of country music CDs by the total number of CDs and multiply by 100.
(27 / 123) * 100 = 21.95%

Therefore, the estimated percentage of Patty's CDs that are country music CDs is approximately 21.95%.

To estimate the percent of Patty's CDs that are country music CDs, you need to divide the number of country music CDs by the total number of CDs in her collection and then multiply by 100.

In this case, Patty has 27 country music CDs out of a total of 123 CDs.

To find the estimated percentage:
1. Divide the number of country music CDs (27) by the total number of CDs (123): 27/123 = 0.2195 (approx.)
2. Multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage: 0.2195 * 100 = 21.95% (approx.)

Therefore, the estimate is that approximately 21.95% of Patty's CDs are country music CDs.