What is a function rule for the perimeter P of a building with a rectangular base if the width w is two times the length l?

W = 2L

P = 2W + 2L = 2(2L) + 2L

What is the function rule for the perimeter P of a building with a rectangular base of the width W is 3 times the length L?

p=2w maybe im not 100 hundred percent sure though

To find the function rule for the perimeter (P) of a building with a rectangular base, given that the width (w) is twice the length (l), we need to first understand the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle.

The perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula: P = 2(l + w)

Given that the width (w) is two times the length (l), we can substitute w = 2l into the formula:

P = 2(l + 2l)

Now we can simplify:

P = 2(3l)

P = 6l

Therefore, the function rule for the perimeter (P) of a building with a rectangular base, when the width (w) is two times the length (l), is P = 6l.