A 96kg soul ascended to heaven at a speed of 12m/s, when he bumps against a 50 kg soul descending to hell at the speed of 15m/s, assuming that soul number 2 has an initial speed of 1m/s, find the initial speed of soul number 1.

Assuming soul #1 is the one going to heaven, you have already said what its initial velocity is, 12 m/s. There is something wrong with the way you have stated the problem.


Can you show us the solution to this problem? Part of our activity, please. ASAP. :)

To find the initial speed of soul number 1, we can use the principle of conservation of momentum. The total momentum before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision.

Let's denote the initial velocity of soul number 1 as v1 and the initial velocity of soul number 2 as v2.

The momentum before the collision can be expressed as:

Total momentum before = (mass of soul number 1) * (initial velocity of soul number 1) + (mass of soul number 2) * (initial velocity of soul number 2)

Total momentum before = (96 kg) * v1 + (50 kg) * (1 m/s)

The momentum after the collision can be expressed as:

Total momentum after = (mass of soul number 1) * (final velocity of soul number 1) + (mass of soul number 2) * (final velocity of soul number 2)

Since both souls collided, their final velocities are the same. Let's denote this final velocity as vf.

Total momentum after = (96 kg) * vf + (50 kg) * vf

According to the principle of conservation of momentum, the total momentum before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision:

(96 kg) * v1 + (50 kg) * (1 m/s) = (96 kg) * vf + (50 kg) * vf

We can simplify this equation:

96 kg * v1 + 50 kg = 96 kg * vf + 50 kg * vf

Substituting the given values:

(96 kg) * 12 m/s + (50 kg) * (15 m/s) = (96 kg) * vf + (50 kg) * vf

Solving this equation will give us the velocity of soul number 1 before the collision.