If Fis the temprature in degree farenheit and C IS TEMPRATURE IN DEGREE CENTIGRADE, THEN F=9C/5+32. What farenhiet temprature correspondsto 65 degree centigrade.

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F = (9/5)65 + 32 = 117 + 32 = 149.

To find the Fahrenheit temperature corresponding to 65 degrees Celsius using the formula F = (9C/5) + 32, you can substitute the value of C into the equation and solve for F.

1. Start with the given Celsius temperature: C = 65.
2. Substitute the value of C into the formula: F = (9 * 65/5) + 32.
3. Simplify the equation using the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS):
F = (585/5) + 32.
F = 117 + 32.
F = 149.
4. Therefore, the Fahrenheit temperature corresponding to 65 degrees Celsius is 149 degrees Fahrenheit.