You're Creating A Table With Borders All Around The Cells Showing. Another Word For This Type Of Table Is A. Open. C. Boxed. B. Closed. D. Celled?

I am pretty sure the answer is C. Boxed. I am hoping that is the correct answer because I am taking this test too (Penn Foster), and that is the one I marked. lol

when typing the number zero (0), which finger from the right hand should you use?

You should use your ring finger

You're Creating A Table With Borders All Around The Cells Showing. Another Word For This Type Of Table

The correct answer is C. Boxed.

To find this answer, you can break down the question and the possible answers provided. The question mentions creating a table with borders around the cells. This indicates that the table has a visual element involving borders.

Looking at the possible answers, the terms A. Open, B. Closed, and D. Celled do not specifically refer to the presence of borders. Therefore, we can eliminate these options.

Option C. Boxed, on the other hand, directly relates to the presence of borders around the cells in a table. The term "boxed" implies that the table has a box-like appearance with borders surrounding each cell.

By eliminating the incorrect options and analyzing the context of the question, we can conclude that the correct answer is C. Boxed.