Calculate the mass of 2.56*10^24 formula units of aluminum dichromate.

I must tell you I get confused every time someone starts talking formula units and formula weights (mass). I think formula unit x formula mass = mass in grams.

To calculate the mass of 2.56 * 10^24 formula units of aluminum dichromate, we need to know the molar mass of the compound.

1. Determine the formula of aluminum dichromate:

Aluminum is represented by the symbol Al, and dichromate is represented by the formula (Cr2O7)2-. Therefore, the formula for aluminum dichromate is Al(Cr2O7)3.

2. Calculate the molar mass of aluminum dichromate:

- The molar mass of aluminum (Al) is 26.98 g/mol.
- The molar mass of chromium (Cr) is 51.996 g/mol.
- The molar mass of oxygen (O) is 16.00 g/mol.

The molar mass of aluminum dichromate can be calculated as follows:

Molar mass of Al(Cr2O7)3 = (1 * molar mass of Al) + (3 * molar mass of Cr) + (21 * molar mass of O)

Substituting the values:

Molar mass of Al(Cr2O7)3 = (1 * 26.98 g/mol) + (3 * 51.996 g/mol) + (21 * 16.00 g/mol)

3. Calculate the mass of 2.56 * 10^24 formula units of aluminum dichromate:

Now that we have the molar mass, we can convert formula units to grams:

Mass (g) = Number of formula units * molar mass

Mass (g) = (2.56 * 10^24) * (molar mass of Al(Cr2O7)3)

Substituting the value of the molar mass, the calculations would yield the mass of 2.56 * 10^24 formula units of aluminum dichromate.