Tom had scores of 78, 88, 94 and 79 on his first four science tests. What must he score on the next test to have an average of 88?

5 * 88 = 440

78 + 88 + 94 + 79 = 339

440 - 339 = 101

To find the score Tom must get on his next test, we need to calculate the average of his first four scores. Then, we'll subtract that average from the desired average of 88. This will give us the score he needs on the next test.

First, let's calculate the average of his first four scores:
(78 + 88 + 94 + 79) / 4 = 339 / 4 = 84.75

Now, we'll subtract this average from the desired average of 88:
88 - 84.75 = 3.25

Therefore, Tom must score at least 3.25 points higher than his current average, which is 84.75, on his next test to have an average of 88.