how can convert millilitter to gram for tetraiso propyl alcohol

Divide my the density (g/mL)!

Notice that the units cancel out!

Divide by* the density

To convert milliliters (ml) to grams (g) for a specific substance like tetraiso propyl alcohol, you need to know its density. Density is the mass of a substance per unit volume.

1. Find the density of tetraiso propyl alcohol: The density of a substance is usually given in units of grams per milliliter (g/ml) or may be found in reference sources such as chemical databases. For tetraiso propyl alcohol, let's assume its density is 0.785 g/ml.

2. Use the formula: mass = volume × density. Rearrange the formula to find mass.

mass (g) = volume (ml) × density (g/ml)

3. Substitute the given values: If you have a certain volume of tetraiso propyl alcohol in milliliters (ml), you can find the corresponding mass in grams (g).

mass (g) = volume (ml) × density (g/ml)

For example, let's say we have 50 ml of tetraiso propyl alcohol:

mass (g) = 50 ml × 0.785 g/ml
mass (g) = 39.25 g

Therefore, 50 ml of tetraiso propyl alcohol is equivalent to 39.25 grams. Remember to always check the units and use the correct density value for accurate conversions.