A car radiator has a 6-liter capacity. If the liquid in the radiators 40% antifreeze, how much liquid must be replaced with pure anitfreeze to bring the mixture up to a 50% solutions? If I told you the answer is 1 liter, in your own words, using complete sentences explain how you would solve this problem

To solve this problem, we need to calculate the amount of liquid that needs to be replaced with pure antifreeze. We know that the radiator has a 6-liter capacity and the current mixture is 40% antifreeze. We want to bring the mixture up to a 50% solution.

To start, we can calculate the amount of antifreeze currently in the radiator. Since the radiator has a 6-liter capacity and the mixture is 40% antifreeze, we can multiply the capacity (6 liters) by the concentration of antifreeze (40%) to find the current amount of antifreeze in the radiator.

So, (6 liters) x (40%) = 2.4 liters of antifreeze.

Next, we need to determine the desired concentration of antifreeze to get a 50% solution. Since we want to bring the mixture up to a 50% concentration, we subtract the current antifreeze amount (2.4 liters) from the amount needed for a 50% solution (which is unknown) to find the additional antifreeze we need.

Let's call the unknown amount of antifreeze we need "x". So, (x liters) - (2.4 liters) = the additional antifreeze needed.

Now, since the desired concentration is 50%, the remaining liquid in the radiator after replacing some of it with pure antifreeze will be 50% antifreeze. This means that the remaining liquid should be equal to the amount of antifreeze already in the radiator (2.4 liters).

So, (6 liters - x liters) x (50%) = 2.4 liters.

We can now solve for "x" by rearranging the equation:

(6 - x) x 0.5 = 2.4

Dividing both sides by 0.5:

6 - x = 4.8

Finally, we can solve for "x" by subtracting 6 from both sides of the equation:

-x = 4.8 - 6
-x = -1.2

To isolate "x", we multiply both sides by -1:

x = 1.2

So, the amount of liquid that needs to be replaced with pure antifreeze to bring the mixture up to a 50% solution is 1.2 liters. Since we typically deal with whole numbers, we can round this to 1 liter, which matches the given answer.