
o Performance evaluations
o Discipline
o Termination
o Diversity
o Harassment
o Manager as a role model
• Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper addressing the following points:
o Describe the moral and ethical issues faced by managers dealing with your selected
topic. Include how the issue affects other individuals.
o Explain how the relationship between social issues and ethically responsible
management practices apply to your topic.
o Provide a workplace example of an ethical dilemma involving your topic. Did any laws
govern the manager’s actions?

Lets say I picked Discipline for what I wanted to write about. I woudl then make up a story about something that happened then explain the social issues and ethical issues that could arise from it. The problem I am having is trying to figure out social dilema would that be the conflict it many cause between emplyees. If any one can help explain this to me that would be great thank you very much.

I don't think you want to "make up a story."

Follow the directions above and answer the questions in essay form.

Some possible examples might be an employee who:

* frequently comes in late and/or leaves early
* frequently is absent
* comes in with alcohol on her breath
* misrepresents himself on his application
* isn't capable of doing the work for which he was hired
* lies to customers or clients

social dilema, how does I incorporate this. Would this be struggles between emplpyees. that is where i am most confused on thank you

In order to address the moral and ethical issues faced by managers when dealing with discipline, it is important to consider the potential impacts on individuals in the workplace. Discipline, when applied inappropriately or unfairly, can lead to negative consequences such as a hostile work environment, demoralized employees, and potential legal implications. Let's break down the points you need to cover in your paper:

1. Moral and Ethical Issues:
Managers have a responsibility to ensure that disciplinary actions are fair, consistent, and unbiased. They must consider the impact on not only the employee being disciplined but also other individuals in the organization. For example, if a manager consistently applies disciplinary measures only to certain individuals based on personal biases, it creates an unfair work environment and fosters a lack of trust and respect among employees. This raises moral and ethical concerns since it violates the principles of fairness, equality, and respect in the workplace.

2. Relationship between Social Issues and Ethically Responsible Management Practices:
Discipline can be viewed as a way to maintain a healthy work environment. However, it is essential to consider the social issues that may arise when implementing disciplinary measures. Discrimination, favoritism, or any form of unfair treatment can create a negative social impact, leading to lowered employee morale, decreased productivity, and potential legal issues. Ethically responsible management practices align with creating a positive workplace culture that fosters inclusivity, fairness, and respect for all employees, even during disciplinary processes.

3. Workplace Example of an Ethical Dilemma:
To outline an ethical dilemma related to discipline, let's consider a scenario: an employee is consistently late for work despite multiple verbal and written warnings. The manager is faced with a decision on how to handle the situation. They can choose to terminate the employee, which might seem justified based on the rules established by the company. However, they also need to evaluate potential underlying factors causing the lateness, such as personal issues, health problems, or transportation challenges.

In this example, the ethical dilemma lies in balancing the need to uphold workplace rules and fairness with empathy and consideration for the employee's well-being. The manager should explore alternative solutions, such as offering additional support, flexible schedules, or counseling, before deciding to terminate the employee. Ethical considerations include assessing the potential impact on the individual's livelihood, their work-life balance, and the overall team dynamics.

4. Laws Governing Manager's Actions:
When it comes to discipline, managers must adhere to employment laws to ensure their actions are lawful and fair. Laws can vary depending on the jurisdiction, but examples might include anti-discrimination laws, labor laws, or regulations regarding due process during disciplinary procedures. It is crucial for managers to familiarize themselves with applicable laws and ensure compliance when addressing disciplinary issues.

In conclusion, when discussing discipline as your chosen topic, it is important to highlight the moral and ethical issues faced by managers, explain the relationship between social issues and ethically responsible management practices, provide a workplace example of an ethical dilemma, and discuss any relevant laws governing the actions of managers in disciplinary situations. By thoroughly analyzing these aspects, you can create a comprehensive and insightful paper on the subject.