An 8 ounce bottle of hairspray costs $3.66. Find the unit price in cents per ounce.

would it be 0.4575 or 45.75 cents per ounce?

Since we don't have fractions of a penny, we need to round the answer to the nearest cent.

$0.46 or 46 cents per ounce

To find the unit price in cents per ounce, you need to convert the cost from dollars to cents and then divide by the number of ounces.

First, convert the cost from dollars to cents:
$3.66 * 100 = 366 cents

Next, divide the cost by the number of ounces:
366 cents / 8 ounces = 45.75 cents per ounce

So the correct unit price is 45.75 cents per ounce.

To find the unit price in cents per ounce, you need to convert the dollar amount to cents and then divide by the number of ounces.

First, convert $3.66 to cents by multiplying it by 100:
$3.66 * 100 = 366 cents

Next, divide the total number of cents (366 cents) by the number of ounces (8 ounces):
366 cents / 8 ounces = 45.75 cents per ounce

Therefore, the unit price in cents per ounce is 45.75 cents per ounce.