The larger of two sums is 12 more than the smaller. Their sum is 84.Find the numbers.

The sum of two numbers is 45. The first is 9 less than the second.Find the numbers.

The second of two numbers is 5 more than twice the first. Their sum is 80.Find the numbers.

x + 12 = 84

x - 9 = 45

5 + 2x = 80

To solve these problems, we need to translate the given information into algebraic expressions. Let's assign variables to the unknown numbers.

1) The larger of two sums is 12 more than the smaller. Their sum is 84. Let's call the smaller number "x" and the larger number "y." The algebraic expression can be written as:

y = x + 12 (The larger number is 12 more than the smaller number)
x + y = 84 (Their sum is 84)

2) The sum of two numbers is 45. The first is 9 less than the second. Let's call the first number "x" and the second number "y." The algebraic expression can be written as:

x + y = 45 (The sum of the two numbers is 45)
x = y - 9 (The first number is 9 less than the second number)

3) The second of two numbers is 5 more than twice the first. Their sum is 80. Let's call the first number "x" and the second number "y." The algebraic expression can be written as:

y = 5 + 2x (The second number is 5 more than twice the first number)
x + y = 80 (Their sum is 80)

Now, we can solve these equations to find the values of the unknown numbers.