A tree casts a shadow 8 ft long. A 6 ft man casts a shadow 4 ft long. The triangle formed by the tree and it's shadow is similar to the triangle formed by the man and his shadow. How tall is the tree?

solve the ratios

x/8 = 6/4

x= 12?

To find the height of the tree, we can set up a proportion using the similar triangles formed by the tree and its shadow, and the man and his shadow.

Let's denote the height of the tree as 'h' and the height of the man as '6 ft'.

The proportion can be set up using the corresponding sides of the two triangles:

(height of tree)/(length of tree's shadow) = (height of man)/(length of man's shadow)

Plugging in the given values:

h/8 = 6/4

Now, we can solve for 'h':

h = (8 * 6) / 4

h = 48 / 4

h = 12

Therefore, the height of the tree is 12 feet.