QuadPlex Cinema is the only movie theater in Idaho Falls. The nearest rival movie theater, the Cedar Bluff Twin, is 35 miles away in Pocatello. Thus QuadPlex Cinema possesses a degree of market power. Despite having market power, QuadPlex Cinema is currently suffering losses. In a conversation with the owners of QuadPlex, the manager of the movie theater made the following suggestions: “Since QuadPlex is a local monopoly, we should just increase ticket prices until we make enough profit.” Comment on this strategy. How might the market power of QuadPlex Cinema be measured? Also recommend, the options that QuadPlex consider in the long run. Fully explain your answer in terms of market power.

Increasing ticket prices may not be the most effective strategy for QuadPlex Cinema to improve its profitability, despite its market power as a local monopoly. There are a few reasons for this. First, raising ticket prices may deter customers from visiting the theater, leading to a decrease in ticket sales and potentially further losses. Additionally, other factors such as competition from alternative forms of entertainment (e.g., streaming services) should also be considered.

The market power of QuadPlex Cinema can be measured using various indicators. One commonly used measure is market share, which determines the proportion of the market controlled by a firm. In this case, since QuadPlex is the only movie theater in Idaho Falls, its market share would be 100%.

To address the losses and ensure long-term profitability, QuadPlex Cinema should consider a couple of options. First, they can focus on cost management and efficiency improvements. By analyzing their expenses and finding ways to reduce costs without compromising the quality of their service, QuadPlex can potentially improve their financial situation. This could involve negotiating better deals with suppliers, optimizing staff schedules, or improving operational efficiency.

Another option QuadPlex should consider is enhancing the overall movie-going experience to attract more customers. This could involve improving the quality of the facilities, investing in advanced technology or amenities, and offering additional services or promotions to differentiate themselves from competitors. By providing a more compelling and enjoyable experience, QuadPlex can potentially increase ticket sales and revenue.

In conclusion, while QuadPlex Cinema holds market power as a local monopoly, increasing ticket prices may not be the best strategy. Instead, focusing on cost management and enhancing the movie-going experience can be more effective in improving profitability and securing its long-term success.

The strategy suggested by the manager of QuadPlex Cinema to increase ticket prices in order to make enough profit may not be the most effective approach. While QuadPlex Cinema possesses a degree of market power as the only movie theater in Idaho Falls, simply raising ticket prices may not guarantee increased profitability.

Increasing ticket prices might lead to a reduction in customer demand, as higher prices could deter moviegoers from choosing QuadPlex Cinema and instead opt for alternative forms of entertainment or travel to the Cedar Bluff Twin theater in Pocatello. This could result in a decrease in overall revenue and potentially exacerbate their current losses.

To measure the market power of QuadPlex Cinema, a common approach is to calculate and analyze their market share. Market share represents the portion of the total market that QuadPlex Cinema holds. This can be measured by dividing their revenue or number of customers by the total revenue or number of customers in Idaho Falls' movie theater market. A higher market share indicates a greater degree of market power.

Considering the long run, QuadPlex Cinema should focus on strategies that can help maintain or enhance their market power while also improving profitability. Some options to consider may include:

1. Enhancing the customer experience: QuadPlex could invest in improving the quality of service, facilities, and amenities to create a more appealing and differentiated movie-going experience. This could help attract more customers and potentially command higher ticket prices.

2. Pricing strategies: Rather than simply increasing ticket prices across the board, QuadPlex could explore dynamic pricing approaches. This involves adjusting ticket prices based on factors such as demand, time of day, movie popularity, or even creating special offers and promotions. By implementing targeted pricing strategies, QuadPlex could potentially increase revenue while remaining competitive.

3. Diversifying offerings: QuadPlex could consider expanding their services beyond just movie screenings. This could include hosting special events, offering private screenings, partnering with local businesses, or even introducing additional entertainment options like arcade games or live performances. By diversifying their offerings, QuadPlex can attract a wider range of customers and mitigate the risk of losing market share.

4. Collaborations and partnerships: QuadPlex could explore collaborations with local businesses, such as restaurants, cafes, or pop-up stores within the theater premises. This can create synergies, increase foot traffic, and provide additional revenue streams.

It is important for QuadPlex Cinema to carefully analyze market dynamics and consumer trends to determine the most effective long-term strategies for maintaining their market power and achieving sustainable profitability.