Please name two influences, factors, or pressures (internal or external) that affect a healthcare organization or healthcare organization and/or manager’s job.

demographics and finances

Two influences, factors, or pressures that can affect a healthcare organization or a healthcare manager's job are:

1. Regulatory Environment: The healthcare sector operates within a complex regulatory framework that sets standards, guidelines, and policies to ensure quality care, patient safety, and ethical practices. Laws and regulations imposed by governmental bodies like the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) can have a significant impact on how healthcare organizations operate and the responsibilities of healthcare managers. Adhering to these regulations often requires substantial time, resources, and expertise to ensure compliance, which can exert pressure on healthcare managers and influence decision-making.

To understand how the regulatory environment affects a healthcare organization or manager's job, one can consult relevant laws, guidelines, and updates issued by regulatory agencies. Additionally, staying updated through professional associations, industry publications, and attending conferences or seminars on regulatory compliance will provide insights into the current and upcoming regulatory factors that influence healthcare organizations.

2. Technological Advancements: The healthcare industry continuously evolves with the implementation of new technologies, such as electronic health records (EHR), telemedicine, artificial intelligence, and data analytics. Embracing these advancements can bring enhanced efficiency, improved patient care, and cost-saving opportunities to healthcare organizations. However, integrating and managing these technologies requires healthcare managers to stay updated on emerging trends, invest in infrastructure and training, and navigate the challenges associated with data security and privacy.

To understand the impact of technological advancements on healthcare organizations or managers' job, one can explore industry publications, attend technology conferences or webinars, and engage in professional development programs focused on healthcare technology management. Additionally, networking and collaborating with IT professionals and industry experts can provide valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges presented by evolving technologies.

By considering the influence of the regulatory environment and technological advancements, healthcare organizations and managers can adapt to changes, make informed decisions, and ensure the provision of high-quality care while navigating the complex healthcare landscape.