How would you write this program?

We are using Java in Netbeans IDE..

Write a program to enter the year (ex 2004) and month number (1-12) then compute the number of days in that month.

Enter the Year: 2004
Enter the Month: 2
There are 29 days in that month

You have to do two things:

1. create an array of 12 elements, each of which represents the number of days in the month of a non-leap year. So when the month is given, you can look up the array to give the answer.
2. To take care of leap years, you need to create a boolean function (public boolean isLeapYear(int year){} ) taking the year as an argument, and return true if it is a leap year, and false otherwise.
The rule for leap years as of the Gregorian calendar (see link) in 1582 is as follows:
"Years divisible by 4 are leap years, except for years divisible by 100, which are non-leap years,
except for years divisible by 400, which are again leap years."

To check your implementation, check that 1900 was NOT a leap year, and 2000 WAS a leap year.

If the entered month is 2 (February), then you code need to check for leap year. If isLeapYear(year) returns true, display 29 days, otherwise, display 28 days.

Link for history of Gregorian calendar: