Hat size are determined by the measuring the circumference of the head in either inches or centimeters. Use ratio and proportion to complete the following table.

Hat size head circum head circum
(~1/2 inch) (~centimeter)

7 3/8 23 1/5 59

? 22 4/5 ?

(For the first answer box round to the nearest eight inch as needed. For the second answer box round to the nearest centimeter as needed)


Please help? I have attempted this problem several times and have failed. Need major help :(

Hat size head circum head circum

7 3/8 23 1/5 59

? 22 4/5 ?

i am trying to post the table but its not posting correctly.

To solve this problem using ratios and proportions, we need to find a relationship between the hat size and the head circumference.

First, let's convert the given head circumference measurements to decimal form.

For the first row:
Head circumference = 23 1/5 inches = 23.2 inches
Head circumference = 59 centimeters

Now, we can set up a proportion using the given data:
(7 3/8) / 23.2 = ? / 22.8

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply and then divide:
(7 3/8) * 22.8 = 23.2 * ?
7.375 * 22.8 = 23.2 * ?

To find the first answer, we multiply 7.375 by 22.8 and then round it to the nearest eighth inch. The calculation gives us an approximate value of 168.3. Rounding this to the nearest eighth inch gives us 168.25, which is approximately 7 3/8.

Next, let's set up a proportion for the second row:
(7 3/8) / 23.2 = ? / 59

Now, we cross-multiply and divide:
(7 3/8) * 59 = 23.2 * ?
7.375 * 59 = 23.2 * ?

To find the second answer, we multiply 7.375 by 59 and then round it to the nearest centimeter. The calculation gives us an approximate value of 435.125. Rounding this to the nearest centimeter gives us 435.

Therefore, the completed table is as follows:

Hat size Head circumference (in inches) Head circumference (in centimeters)
7 3/8 23 1/5 59
7 3/8 22 4/5 435