The formation of children's core values is most strongly influenced by

What are your choices?


A. Peers
B. family
C. elementary school teachers
D. Child care providers

Who spends most of the first five years with children?

The formation of children's core values is influenced by various factors, including:

1. Family: The family plays a critical role in shaping children's core values. Parents and other family members serve as role models, teaching children through their words and actions. Children often adopt the values and beliefs of their family, which can shape their moral compass and guide their behavior.

2. Culture and society: The broader cultural and societal context in which children grow up also influences their core values. Cultural traditions, norms, and customs shape the values that are deemed important within a particular community. Social institutions, such as schools, religious organizations, and community groups, also contribute to the transmission of values.

3. Peer influence: As children grow older, their peers become increasingly influential in shaping their values. Peer pressure can be both positive and negative, as children may adopt the values and beliefs of their friends to fit in or rebel against societal norms.

4. Media and technology: In today's digital age, children are exposed to a wide range of media and technology that can shape their values. The media can provide both positive and negative role models, presenting various values and behaviors for children to emulate or reject.

To understand the specific factors contributing to the formation of children's core values, it is crucial to engage in open conversations with children, listen to their perspectives, and provide guidance and support as they navigate the complex influences around them.