qs=-400+2p qd=1600-2p how do i graph that

To graph the given equations qs = -400 + 2p and qd = 1600 - 2p, we need to create a coordinate system and plot the points that satisfy the equations.

Step 1: Label the axes. On the horizontal axis, mark it as 'p' to represent the quantity 'p'. On the vertical axis, label it as 'q' to represent the quantity 'q'.

Step 2: Determine the range and intervals for both 'p' and 'q'. Look for the minimum and maximum values for 'p' and 'q' based on the given equations. In this case, we can see that the value of 'p' ranges from its minimum to its maximum value, while 'q' ranges from its minimum to its maximum value. The intervals can be chosen based on the scale of the graph.

Step 3: Calculate the values of 'q' for different values of 'p' using the given equations. Choose a few values for 'p', substitute them into the equations, and calculate the corresponding values of 'q'.

For example, let's choose three different values for 'p': -100, 0, and 100.

For p = -100:
qs = -400 + 2p
qs = -400 + 2(-100)
qs = -400 - 200
qs = -600

qd = 1600 - 2p
qd = 1600 - 2(-100)
qd = 1600 + 200
qd = 1800

So, when p = -100, qs = -600 and qd = 1800.

Repeat this process for the other chosen values of 'p' to find their corresponding 'q' values.

Step 4: Plot the points. Plot the points (p, qs) and (p, qd) on the graph obtained from Step 1. Connect these points with straight lines to form the graph.

Step 5: Repeat this process for more points if necessary to get a clearer picture of the graph.

Note: Make sure to choose values that will give you a range of points covering the entire graph, including both positive and negative values.

By following these steps, you can create a graph for the given equations qs = -400 + 2p and qd = 1600 - 2p.