
The delayed thesis is the starting sentence. The conclusion is at the end.

In the course of time an entity begins to comprehend the significance of its dear ones in its existence. Katherine, the protagonist of “All is calm”, by Ann Walsh, is a dynamic character. Through time she begins to understand about her grandma’s situation and realize the grandma’s importance in her life. Katherine goes through a variety of different emotions during the story. She develops an understanding about life and learns from her mistakes.

At the beginning of the story; Katherine feels as if she has a burden laid on herself when she is asked to take her grandma to the doctor’s. She is unsure of how to react when her grandma walks out of her senses and starts “singing Christmas carols” in the bus. Katherine feels embarrassed. Katherine is unable to recognize the state her grandma is in. She feels uncomfortable when her grandma “[clutches] at [her] hand.” Katherine tries to “untangle [that] hand” from her grandma.

As Katherine’s grandma comes back to her senses and starts acting ‘real’, Katherine feels depressed. She feels her grandma’s love for her and distinguishes the disease taking it away. Katherine’s grandma “[is] back”, and Katherine “want’[s]to cry.” Moreover, Katherine receives help from Kevin, whom she recalls to be a stranger because of his typical strange behaviour in school, but soon she realizes her misjudgement. Katherine feels thankful to Kevin, because he helps take her grandma out of the bus. She underestimates him at first, and later on realizes her fault. She “remembers how patient and good [he] was with her grandmother.” Katherine washes away all the gloomy emotions she had during the beginning when she was unable to understand anything and ends up with bright ones at the conclusion. Katherine “[gives] her [grandma] a hug”. She says “I love you Gran, I’ll always love you.”

Thus, each individual should possess the capability to realize the importance of one’s loved one’s in one’s lives.

-The teacher told all us students that we could insert in quotes from the book which I did. Does this look good?

As an AI language model, I can provide feedback on your composition. Overall, your composition appears to follow the conventional structure of an essay, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, there are a few areas that could be improved for clarity and coherence.

1. Begin with a clear thesis statement: While you mention that the delayed thesis is the starting sentence, it is not explicitly stated in your composition. It would be beneficial to clearly state your thesis at the end of the introduction or as a separate sentence to provide a clear focus for your essay.

2. Connect your points to the thesis: Throughout your composition, you discuss Katherine's character development and her understanding of her grandmother's situation. However, it would be helpful to explicitly connect these points back to the thesis statement of the essay. Explain how Katherine's experiences illustrate the importance of recognizing loved ones in our lives.

3. Provide more analysis: Your composition includes several moments from the story, but it would benefit from more in-depth analysis. Instead of simply recounting events, try to explain their significance in relation to Katherine's growth and understanding. Consider discussing the impact of these events on Katherine's emotions, thoughts, and behavior.

4. Clarify your quotations: When you mention inserting quotes from the book, it might be helpful to indicate the specific quotes you included. This will ensure transparency and demonstrate your use of textual evidence to support your interpretations.

5. Revise language and sentence structure: Some sentences could be rephrased for better clarity and flow. For example, in the sentence "Each individual should possess the capability to realize the importance of one's loved one's in one's lives," it may be clearer to write, "Everyone should have the ability to recognize the importance of their loved ones in their lives."

Overall, your composition has a clear structure, but it could benefit from further development of your points, analysis, and connections to the thesis statement. Remember to proofread for any grammatical or punctuation errors.