I am writing an essy in which I time travel back to three different civilizations. I have to write my info in 3 book chapters. I also have to write an appendice? I do not understand what this is or how to write it?

Which part of these instructions don't you understand?

-- three different civilizations
-- three chapters
-- appendix -- works sited and footnotes

I am sorry, I do not understand the Appendice.

An appendix (plural: appendices) is added on to a paper or book. It contains any additional information, such as information about the books and articles you used in your research.

An appendix, in the context of a research paper or essay, is a section that contains supplementary or additional information. It is typically placed at the end of the document, after the main body and before the references or bibliography section. The purpose of an appendix is to provide extra details or supporting material that may not be necessary to include in the main text but is relevant and helpful for readers who want to delve deeper into the topic.

To write an appendix, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine what information to include: Think about what material might be useful to readers but could disrupt the flow of your essay if included in the main text. This can include extensive data, detailed explanations, lengthy tables, maps, charts, raw data, calculations, or any other relevant but non-essential information.

2. Organize the content: Decide on the best way to present your supplementary information. This can be done through subsections, numbered or lettered entries, or a combination of both, depending on the nature of the information you need to include.

3. Label and title the appendix: Clearly indicate that the section is an appendix by creating a title or heading such as "Appendix A: Statistical Analysis" or "Appendix B: Maps and Diagrams." Numbering the appendices helps readers easily navigate through the document, especially if multiple appendices are present.

4. Reference within the main text: Throughout your essay, make references to the relevant appendix sections where appropriate. For example, when mentioning detailed data, you can refer to the appendix and briefly explain the content readers can find there (e.g., "For a comprehensive breakdown of the data, please refer to Appendix A").

5. Format the appendix: Maintain a consistent format with the main body of your paper, including font style, size, and margins. Ensure any visual elements—such as tables, graphs, or images—are clear and properly labeled. Also, the information in the appendix should be self-contained and understandable without relying heavily on the main text.

Remember, the purpose of the appendix is to supplement the content of your essay or research paper, so be cautious not to include information that is required in the main body. Appendices should provide optional, supportive, and relevant material that enhances the reader's understanding of your topic.