how do you solve: find cos2x if sinx is equal to 1/5

cos2x if sinx = 1/5

(1-2sin^2 x)(sinx) = 1/5
sinx - 2 sin^3 x = 1/5
5sinx - 10sin^3 x = 1
10sin^3 x - 5sinx + 1 = 0

Now you have a nasty cubic to solve
I use this on-line cubic equation solver

it gave me
sinx = .56959
sinx = -.79143
sinx = .22183

each of those will give you 2 different solutions

I will do the first
if sinx = .56959 , x is in quadrants I or II and
x = 34.72° or x = 145.28°

there will be 6 answers between 0 and 360

To solve for cos2x given that sinx is equal to 1/5, we can use the trigonometric identity:

cos^2x + sin^2x = 1

Let's substitute sinx with its given value:

cos^2x + (1/5)^2 = 1

Simplifying the equation, we have:

cos^2x + 1/25 = 1

Subtracting 1/25 from both sides:

cos^2x = 1 - 1/25

cos^2x = 24/25

To determine the value of cos2x, we can use another trigonometric identity:

cos2x = cos^2x - sin^2x

Substituting the value of cos^2x from the previous calculation:

cos2x = 24/25 - (1/5)^2

cos2x = 24/25 - 1/25

cos2x = 23/25

Therefore, cos2x is equal to 23/25.