What if there's a quote inside a quote would I use this " ...'...'"

and also

what if I wanted to add something in my own words in between the quote would I end the quote then write my thought and then start a new quote
would I use [...] in between the quote?

A quote within a quote is ".....'....'..."


A quote inside of a quote would be this:

" ' ' "

And if you want to write your thoughts you could put it in parentheses (.....) or brackets [.....].

If there is a quote inside a quote, you would use single quotation marks ('...') to enclose the internal quote. For example: "She said, 'I love the quote, "Life is a journey."'"

If you want to add something in your own words within the quote, you have a couple of options.

Option 1: You can end the quote, write your thought, and then start a new quote. For example: "He said, 'The sky is blue.' In my opinion, it represents tranquility."

Option 2: You can use square brackets [...] to indicate an interpolation within the quote. For example: "She said, 'I am [really] happy.'"

When there is a quote inside a quote, you can use single quotation marks ('...') to enclose the inner quotation. For example:

"He said, 'I really enjoyed reading the book.'"

If you want to add something in your own words between the quotes, you have a couple of options. You can end the initial quote, write your thought, and then start a new quote. For example:

"I remember him saying, 'The book was quite captivating.' However, I personally found it a bit too lengthy."

Alternatively, you can use square brackets [...] within the quote to add your own words. This indicates that the added words are not part of the original quote. For example:

"He stated, 'The book was [a] masterpiece.'"

Using square brackets allows you to clarify or modify the quote without changing its meaning.