Larsen's class collected 137 cans. Schmidt's class collected 87 cans & Lopez's class collected 197 cans. Use mental math to see how many more cans Lopez's class collected than Schmidt's. (Got answer of 110) How many more cans did Larsen's class collect than Schmidt's. (Got answer of 50) Which property did you use to help you subtract mentally? Explain how you used it. Don't know how to answer the last 2 questions.

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To find how many more cans Lopez's class collected than Schmidt's, we can subtract the number of cans collected by Schmidt's class (87) from the number of cans collected by Lopez's class (197).

So, 197 - 87 = 110. Therefore, Lopez's class collected 110 more cans than Schmidt's class.

To find out how many more cans Larsen's class collected than Schmidt's, we can subtract the number of cans collected by Schmidt's class (87) from the number of cans collected by Larsen's class (137).

So, 137 - 87 = 50. Therefore, Larsen's class collected 50 more cans than Schmidt's class.

The property we used to subtract mentally in both cases is called the commutative property of addition. According to this property, the order of the numbers being added or subtracted does not affect the result.

In mental subtraction, we take advantage of this property by rearranging the numbers in a way that makes it easier to subtract mentally. For example, in the case of Lopez's class and Schmidt's class, 197 - 87 is mentally easier to solve than 87 - 197. The property allows us to order the numbers in any way we want without changing the result. In this case, knowing that 197 - 87 = 110, we can conclude that Schmidt's class collected 110 fewer cans than Lopez's class.

Similarly, for Larsen's class and Schmidt's class, 137 - 87 is mentally easier to solve than 87 - 137. We can rearrange the numbers without changing the result and get 137 - 87 = 50, indicating that Larsen's class collected 50 more cans than Schmidt's class.