Whatclimate does this place have?

Warmest month average: 83'F
Coldest month average: 70'F
Average rainfall: 42 in/yr
Vegetation: Rainforest

a) Temperate
b) Tropical
c) Cold
d) Dry



thanks ms sue :)

To determine the climate of a place, we can analyze the given information:

1. Warmest month average: 83'F
This indicates that the place experiences warm temperatures during the hottest month.

2. Coldest month average: 70'F
The coldest month still has relatively warm temperatures, albeit slightly cooler than the warmest month.

3. Average rainfall: 42 in/yr
The annual precipitation of 42 inches suggests a significant amount of rainfall occurring throughout the year.

4. Vegetation: Rainforest
Rainforests are characterized by a dense canopy of trees and receive high amounts of rainfall.

Considering all these factors, we can conclude that the climate of this place is tropical (option b). The warm temperatures throughout the year, significant rainfall, and presence of a rainforest all align with the characteristics of a tropical climate.