1.20 Mm to kilometers

its 1200 but when I put it in it said not the correct number of sig figs

put a line over the 0 in the tens place.

What do you mean?

The ending 0 after a decimal is sig, so to indicate that put a line over the zero in the tens place

To convert 1.20 Mm (megameters) to kilometers, you can use the following conversion factor:

1 Mm = 1000 km

Multiply the given value (1.20 Mm) by the conversion factor:

1.20 Mm x 1000 km/Mm = 1200 km

So, the correct conversion from 1.20 Mm to kilometers is 1200 km.

Regarding significant figures, it's important to keep in mind the number of significant figures in the original value. In this case, 1.20 has three significant figures. When converting, the conversion factor (1000 km/Mm) is considered exact since it is defined as a specific relationship. Therefore, the answer should also have three significant figures. Hence, the correct answer is 1200 km.