what comes next after the topic sentence?

After the topic sentence are the details that support it.

its the supporting details. isnt it? anyone?

oh lol okay thanks.. didn't see your post :] ty!! P.S. yall are very helpful!!

You're welcome.

After the topic sentence, the next element in a well-structured paragraph is typically the supporting details or evidence. These details further elaborate and provide evidence or examples to support the main idea stated in the topic sentence. They help to develop and strengthen the main point of the paragraph.

To identify the supporting details, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the topic sentence carefully: The topic sentence usually introduces the main idea or argument of the paragraph. It provides a brief overview of what will be discussed in the paragraph.

2. Look for related information: Pay attention to sentences or phrases that provide additional information, examples, explanations, or evidence that support or expand on the main idea stated in the topic sentence.

3. Identify evidence and examples: Look for specific details, facts, examples, statistics, or quotations that support the main idea. These should provide more depth and context to the paragraph's argument.

4. Ensure logical coherence: Supporting details should be organized logically to provide a clear flow of ideas. They should relate directly to the main idea and help the reader understand and accept the argument being presented.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the supporting details that come after the topic sentence in a paragraph.