Design and create a class named Stats that has an array of 12 doubles as one of its member variables. The values in the array should be set by making 12 calls to a public member function named setValue that accepts two arguments, an integer indicating which value is being provided (the first number, the second number….etc) and a double holding the actual data value.

what does that mean?

I made this

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

class Stats
double values[12];

void Stats::Stats()
int num;
for(int i = 0; i <=12; i++)
cout << "Input value # "<< i << endl;
cin >> num;
values[i] = num

but is that what it means?

Your implementation is close, but there are a few errors and missing aspects in the code.

1. The constructor function's declaration should be `Stats::Stats()`, not `void Stats::Stats()`. Also, the function does not need a return type since it is a constructor.
2. You need to provide the definition of the `setValue` member function as specified in the problem statement.
3. You should use the `double` data type for the variable `num`, since the array holds `double` values.
4. The range of the for loop should be from 0 to 11 (inclusive), as array indices range from 0 to 11 (not 12).

Here is an updated version of your code with the necessary corrections:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Stats {
double values[12];

void setValue(int index, double value);
// Add any additional member functions if needed

Stats::Stats() {
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
int num;
cout << "Input value #" << i << ": ";
cin >> num;
setValue(i, static_cast<double>(num));

void Stats::setValue(int index, double value) {
values[index] = value;

int main() {
Stats stats; // Create an instance of Stats
// Perform any operations on stats if needed
return 0;

In the updated code:
1. The `Stats` class is defined with a private member variable `values`, an array of 12 doubles.
2. The constructor `Stats::Stats()` is defined to take input and set the values in the array using the `setValue` function.
3. The `setValue` function is defined to set the value at a specific index in the `values` array.
4. In the `main` function, an instance of the `Stats` class is created, and any additional operations on the stats object can be performed if needed.

Note: Input validation for the `num` value has not been added in this code. You can validate the input according to your requirements.