I thought I chose to write my final about Capital Punishment but instead I accidentally chose Affirmative Action. Now i have to create a full sentence outline that includes arguments and counter arguments that support my thesis statement. My thesis statement is "Affirmative Action ensure fainess in the work place, promotes equal rights and is a way to legally prevent discrimination.

I am having trouble getting started and finding credible sites. Do you have any tips for me or any ideas to help me.

Have you Googled Affirmative Action? Did you find useful sites?

Of course! I can assist you with getting started on your full sentence outline for your thesis statement on affirmative action. To begin, here are some tips and steps to follow:

1. Understand the basics: Start by familiarizing yourself with the concept of affirmative action. Understand what it is, why it was implemented, and the goals it aims to achieve. This will provide you with a solid foundation for constructing your arguments.

2. Identify arguments supporting your thesis statement: Think about why affirmative action ensures fairness in the workplace, promotes equal rights, and serves as a legal tool to prevent discrimination. List down specific points and evidence that support these claims. For example:

- Fairness in the workplace: Affirmative action helps create opportunities for historically marginalized groups, ensuring a more diverse and inclusive workforce.
- Promoting equal rights: Affirmative action addresses historical disadvantages faced by underrepresented groups, allowing them equal access to education and employment.
- Legal prevention of discrimination: Affirmative action provides a legal framework to counteract systemic biases and discriminatory practices.

3. Find credible sources: To gather support for your arguments, it's crucial to use credible sources. Start by using academic databases such as JSTOR, ResearchGate, ProQuest, or Google Scholar. These platforms host peer-reviewed articles and scholarly research on various topics, including affirmative action. Additionally, you can also refer to reputable news outlets, government websites, and academic publications.

4. Construct your full sentence outline: Once you have collected enough evidence, it's time to create your full sentence outline. Divide your outline into sections based on the main arguments and counterarguments you want to present. Each section should consist of a topic sentence followed by supporting sentences. Here's an example to get you started:

I. Introduction
- Explanation of affirmative action
- Thesis statement: "Affirmative Action ensures fairness in the workplace, promotes equal rights, and is a way to legally prevent discrimination."

II. Argument 1: Affirmative Action ensures fairness in the workplace
A. Creating opportunities for historically marginalized groups
B. Encouraging diversity and inclusion

III. Argument 2: Affirmative Action promotes equal rights
A. Addressing historic disadvantages
B. Providing equal access to education and employment

IV. Argument 3: Affirmative Action is a legal tool to prevent discrimination
A. Countering systemic biases
B. Establishing guidelines for fair practices

V. Counterarguments and refutations
- Addressing potential criticisms and objections to affirmative action

VI. Conclusion
- Restatement of thesis statement
- Recap of key arguments

Remember, this is just a structure to guide you, and you can modify and expand it as necessary based on the research you find.